A Visit From Bernard Hopkins
It was Saturday yesterday and everyone was shopping in LA for NBA All Star Weekend and there are many celebs walking around checking out retail stores on Fairfax District. There are mostly musicians and rappers being seen, Ferraris and Lambos revving their engines, tour buses showing off our city and the crowds taking pictures everywhere. There are lines of shoppers in most stores waiting to get in so It's basically another normal day in Los Angeles! Among some of these celebs was Legendary boxing champ Bernard Hopkins who came to visit our Muscatti retail store. If you do not know who B-Hop is then you must be living under a rock!
For those few who do not know who he is, Bernard is a legendary boxing champion Hall-Of-Famer who is also known for his dapper style and dressing like a true gentleman. He is what we call at Muscatti a #RealMan. He is normally seen in his workout gear in his morning runs or in a stylish suit when he is working. Bernard happens to be in Los Angeles this weekend as well and decided to stop by Muscatti. He came in wearing our signature Muscatti Distressed Leather Moto Jacket to compliment his $30K Icelink watch! We are proud to say that we are one of his go to brands who represent his lifestyle! We had a great time picking out exclusive items for him and some organic cotton tees he wanted for every day use. We gave some fans waiting in line time to take pictures with him and chatted about his legendary moments in boxing.
Fans lined up to take pictures with Bernard Hopkins